A Celebration of Australian
Women Photographers
The Loud and Luminous mission is to recognise and celebrate the contribution of contemporary women photographers in Australia.
The inaugural exhibition was March 2018. In 2019 we will be exhibiting in Sydney.
About Loud and Luminous 2018
Invited photographers in 2018 were asked to submit an artwork referencing the female icon used here. The brief was completely open to interpretation.
The project included:
Print exhibition at Brunswick Street Gallery, Melbourne, Victoria opened on Friday the 2nd March 2018.
Multimedia production displayed at International Womens Day (IWD) events, social media, and print exhibition (8th March 2018)
Print on demand photobook with first edition of 12 copies supplied by MomentoPro
We believe this project is unique and important in recognising the extensive cultural contribution women photographic artists and photographers have made in this country. This project is designed to empower the girls and women of today and tomorrow to chase in their dreams.
A collective collaboration of women with the same goal, but uniquely interpreting the concept.
Speak out!
We are asking participating photographers to do a short visual comment via video that will be compiled into a multi-media presentation.
Submission call out for 2020 will be Aug-Sept2019
Thank-you to everyone who took the time to create work and submit!
EMAIL: loudandluminous@gmail.com